
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love, Hug, & Kiss Day

If you remember from a couple of weeks ago about me posting about being feel'n a little bit guilty about not doing enough things with my daughter and boys. Well, I decided to do something about it. I came up with a list of activities that I wanted to do with the kids and we were able to accomplish most of the things on the list. We spent about two solid weeks craftings, decorating homemade Valentine's Day cards, decorating heart shape cookies, cutting out hearts and decorating the house with them, and best of all attending all three kids Valentine's Day class parties. I decided to make a huge slideshow so if you have a few moments just click on the slide show and you will see what we have been up to lately!

Plus, it's Valentine's Day and all I did was attend class parties and have all the neighborhood kids over for a huge play date. Andrew stayed for dinner and it was the best dinner ever. I don't remember the last time that I laughed so much at the dinner table. Leroy decided to attend his Gun Club meeting which means he will be in the dog house when he gets home. Anyways, the holidays are always super fun for the kids not so much for my hubby. He just doesn't care about the holidays. Oh's time to get the kids off to bed.

I'm exhausted, the holidays are always so much work for mom. I really hope that my kids will appreciate it when they get older. I'm ready to crash at this very moment.

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