1. Managed somehow to survive some serious bad weather. A huge tornado hit a town 45 minutes north of us in Joplin, MO. To close to home, if you ask me! We ended getting hit two times with hail. I kind you not, the hail was the size of ping pong ball. We're expected to have some more storm systems coming our way, for the rest of the week.
2. My new neighbors went on a camping trip up to the Elk River in MO. I agreed to watch their two kids which one of them has special needs. Boy, did I have my work cut out for me. The boy is really good but he requires me to to keep an extra eye on him. I decided the best plan was to keep the kids as busy as possible. Yes, I did managed to take all five kids with me to the school carnival. Plus, we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese on Saturday for 2.5 hours plus we hit up a couple of garage sales. On Sunday, we took the kids to church by the time we got home from church. I was DONE! Luckily, their parents were back and I told them not to come over for at least a couple of days. The next morning, Leah was asking where all the extra kids went. She forgot that they went back home. The kids were back together the next day playing again. I guess, you could say that I'm the house on the block that all the kids like to play at. I don't even know why I bother to clean the house during the day.
3. Last night, my friend ask to me to watch her two girls for the evening. I told her no problem but when she came to drop off the girls. The her boys wanted to stay to play, as well. I didn't have the heart to say no. So, I had my three kids and her four kids plus the two neighbor kids. Yeah, nine kids under the age of 8. Let's just say the kids had fun but the house looked like a tornado tore thru it. The kids had fun but I was exhausted by the end of it.
4 . I decided to go ahead and make these really cute bandanna dresses for the girls to wear for the upcoming holiday. I couldn't believe how fast these dresses came together. You should of seen the look on the girls faces when I pulled the dresses out for them to wear. I even made a matching purse to go with one of the dresses. The dresses literately only take 15 minutes from start to finish. Just google it and you will find the directions.
5. Running update...my knee is still a little bit sore. My pace time is way down in the dumps. I mean a 11 minute pace isn't wonderful. I'm trying to be grateful but it's going to be a long time before I will ever get back to my fast pace:(
6. I'm still lifting weights and working on 100 pushups and 150 dips. I'm really struggling with week 3. I might have to ditch the program and try again. My arms and shoulders are starting to look awesome but it's so hard!
7. Landon is still playing baseball. All of this rain, is causing so many delays. I thought we would be done by next week but it's going to be pushed back another week. I'm so ready for baseball to be over with. I would like to know who's idea it was to have baseball games at 8:oopm at night?
8. Logan is graduating from Kindergarten on Thursday night. Where did all the time go...I can't believe it. My boys are growing up way too fast! At least, they still like to give kisses and cuddle.
9. Leah is so bossy. I cringe every time she has friends over. I should tape record her. I'm surprised anyone still wants to play with her. I guess, I wouldn't have to worry about her getting picked on. She's tough as nails but I'm really worried she will end up with no friends. Right now, she's getting put into timeout for being overly bossy.
10. I signed the boys up for nature camp in July. I was really hoping to find someone to ride share but it turned into a no go. Oh well, I will be wanting them out of my hair by the time July comes. I'm still trying to plan our summer vacation. I'm thinking about going Kansas City, Mo or a couple of state parks in our great state of Arkansas. Any ideas??????
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