
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ten on Sat...Pics!

This week has flown by fast, lots of things are in the works! We started off the week with some really nice warm weather but it didn't last too long and we ended up with some rain and cooler weather. A great time to stay home and work on projects. Leah and the neighbor kids help us make homemade bread which is the only type of bread that Leah will eat. She's such a little stinker. Landon worked hard all week on his Cub Scout projects. He had to collect over five pounds of glass jars plus work on his Map elective course. Logan has been wanting to make a quilt for a very long time. Eunice my sewing friend came over with a special machine that cuts out all of the squares. She even brought over fabric so it's another super cheap project. This afternoon, I spent about three hours and made Leah a super cute Valentine's Day dress. Oh, I purchased two U.S. quarters collector map sets and I got completely ripped off on Amazon. The kids already opened up their maps and I felt it was wrong to take them away from them to send them back to Amazon. I found out that Amazon had them listed under two different listings and prices. I ended up over paying by $10...a lesson learned. Research before buying. Plus, I'm trying to win an auction for stamp collections. My mom has sent the boys a ton of stamps from South Africa and I would like to be able to preserve them plus stamp collecting is another Cub Scout badge. It turns out our roof has hail damaged. Of course, we got ripped off from the insurance company. They gave us only $4,000 to repair our roof which isn't going to be enough to cover the cost of the repair. I'm not sure why Leroy agreed to this amount but I'm not happy about it. Too bad, I can't do anything about it now. (Update...we will be getting another check in the mail, thankgoodness! The guys should start working on the roof sometime next week).Plus, Eunice dropped off Flannel fabric for all of the kids, so I will be working on another project. Anyways, this paragraph is way too long but I'm to lazy to fix it. Just look at the pictures, my kids are awesome!

Helping to Make Homemade Bread!
Making bread dough with our neighbors!

Leah has cutting skills, I always try to let my kids do things on their own. Leah has been using a knife since she was two years old cutting up strawberries. She's a big helper in the kitchen.!

Landon is working on earning his recycle badge for Cub Scouts. He has to collect five pounds of glass jars to take to the local recycling center. It turns out I had a huge stash of empty jars squirreled away around the kitchen and in the garage. Every day after school, I had him clean and peal off all of the labels. Well, it turns out...that it's not neccersary to peel off the labels. Landon didn't seem to notice and I didn't say anything...which now I feel kinda bad because he spent a lot of time on peeling off labels which is not an easy thing to do.

In less than five days, Landon collected five pounds of glass jars, two cardboard cereal boxes, and two milk jugs to take to the recycling center.

Discovering how to use a map! This is a nother Cub Scout project. It's all about learning about maps. Landon had to learn about time zones and how to read a map correctly. Plus, the little kids joined in the fun! Landon had to map out the route from our house to his school plus a ton of other activities. I'm so proud of him!

Finding the Distance (for relatives) from close to far away!  If you look closely we mapped out where Landon's relavtives live around the country. We took yarn and pinned it from our pin to all of the relatives pins on the map. I hope that makes sense. We looked at all of the points and discovered that Uncle William lives the farthest away and Grandma and Grandpa Scheele live the closest to us.
Ladybug Love, is what I call this dress I made for Leah. It's her special dress to wear for Valentine's Day. Isn't it cute?

Logan is working on his first quilt by peicing together the squares!

Not to many seven year old boys can work the sewing machine by himself!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ten on Sunday with Pics!

1.  A lot of things happening this week, my weekly theme at the moment is trying to finish up projects that I never got around to finishing especially before Christmas. Every year for Christmas, I like to get a new ornament to add to the Christmas tree. Of course, I didn't get this project done in time. I order a new ornament to add to the tree that is just for me. It's a running ornament with my name and half marathon information on it. It's super cute but it didn't get here in time but that's okay. This week, I went to and designed four new photo ornaments for the year 2011. They currently have a deal if you spend over $15 and they will give you free shipping. A great deal if you ask me! So, now I have no more guilt about not getting the ornaments done. Yippee, another thing to cross off my list of things to do.

2. When all of my kids were really little, I use to be the coolest mom ever. I feel really bad at the moment that I don't do as much with Leah as I did with the other two boys. So, I decided to get rid of the guilt and do something about it. Why sit around complaining about it. So, we sat down together and decided what type of crafts, treats, and activities we want to do together for Valentine's Day. I'm really excited about this and so is little Leah. We already started off with one new craft for V-day. I found a whole bag of fruit flavor fun shaped marshmallow. I thought about throwing them away but I decided to use them for this fun craft. I just drew a big heart on a piece of construction paper and I had her glue all of the marshmallows inside the heart. After the glue dried, I cut out the heart and we hung it up on her door. It's so cute plus it didn't cost me a thing.

3.   Poor Leah is sometimes bored being home all day with me. She told me that she wanted to earn lots of money and wanted to have a Crystal Light stand selling each cup for a dollar. It was during the day and not to much traffic outside at that time of the day. I wasn't sure if anyone would even stop by but luckily two people stop and bought two cups. She thought that she was rolling in the dough. The boys were so jealous when they got off the bus and saw that she had a stand. I'm so proud of her coming up with something to do on her own plus she's all about earning her own money! I'm not always going to be her cash!
 4.  Super Hero Capes, I bought all of the material back in December to make for the kids for Christmas. Once again, I didn't get to it. Every single day, the bag of material was calling my name. I kept putting it off...the guilt was building up, once again. So, I finally decided to sit down Friday night and I got busy on the sewing machine. I managed to have enough material leftover from Leah's cape that I went ahead and made one for her best friend Kailyn who lives across the street. I figured it probably best if they both have their own capes...which will hopefully result in no fighting over who gets the wear cape next. Plus, I made two more capes for the boys. Landon's cape is called "Lightening McLandon" and Leroy's cape was made with leftover material. Leah thought we should call his cape "Super Villain".  Logan's cape is called "Tiger Logan" The capes are double sided with two different colors so it gives the kids more choices...they can wear them either side.
 5.  I gave the kids their capes last night and I told them Merry Christmas! It's only a month late but it's better than never getting it done! The kids were on cloud nine last night. Right now, they are all running around chasing each other! I love it, when they all play together nicely and not fighting with each other.
 6.  I love this picture of Leah, I decided to take a couple of snap shoots of her. I'm going to be good for now on out and make sure I don't fall behind on my projects. I already went ahead and designed a couple of V-day cards to send off to family and friends. No sneak peek, I'm going to be working on the boys cards this week. I can't creative juices are flowing at the moment.

7.  Where's Landon? Can you find him, here's a clue...front row? Can you locate him? Well, here's another hit...stripe shirt with blue pants with a black stripe going down the middle. Anyways, Landon made it on the AB Honor Roll.

8.  Right now, I'm feel'n the push to get organized and get things done NOW! I'm kinda freak'n out with the baby coming in a couple of months. I don't want to be stuck trying to get things done and dealing with a newborn at the same time. Plus, all the kids will be home for the summer so it could be an interesting mix. I'm feel'n so much better about everything, now that I'm busy completing projects. I'm trying to keep my anxiety levels as low as possible.

9.  Last year, when Landon was a Wolf cub scout. We found out about a month before he was about to turn 9 years old that he still have about 4-5 requirements that he needed to complete before he could get his Wolf Badge. I figure that I should start working with him now because with the new baby coming this summer. I don't want to be stuck trying to work with him completing projects at the last minute plus dealing with a newborn. I don't do well, with little sleep. So, I'm going to be working with him each weekend to make sure everything is completed and done. Plus, I would like him to earn an arrow award which is extra requirements that he can do to earn it. I don't want him to do just the bare minimum. I wish we had the sail boat here not at my parents house because he could learn how to sail and earn an arrow award for it.

10.  This month, Landon will be collecting up to five pounds glass bottles and aluminum cans. Landon will be in charge cleaning out the jars and peeling off the labels. Plus, he will start working on "maps" which will be an elective activity but it wouldn't be too difficult if I coordinated and plan accordingly.

11. Logan is working on his first quilt using leftover scrapes of fabic. I love how creative he can be, he can literally spend all day playing and coming up with things to do on his own. The little guy is never bored not like his older brother. A child that can entertain himself is priceless.

12. I only have about nine more days left until my big ultrasound. I can't wait to find out what we are having. I'm thinking about having a big "Gender Reveal" party. I will make a bunch of pink and blue cupcakes and we will have the kids open up a big box and have balloons that will be inside that will tell the kids what we will be having. It's going to be a lot of work but it will be so worth it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Future Fitness Frantic

I love this girl, she's just like her mommy! She wanted to do something and decided she wanted to workout. If you notice, she has a thing of pink ribbon tied around her waist. She also had one tied around her head and one of her legs but it was to hard to keep it all on so she decided to just keep the waist tie on. Chalean Extreme is her favorite workout video and it's mine as well. I love her attituide about fitness, I'm bored and I want something to do. So, I'm going to workout instead like her older brother who's playing video games because he is bored. A good healthy attitude is priceless, it's not something you can achieve thru lectures but by setting the example. Go, Leah, Go!!!!!

Working out hard to Chelean Extreme-Burn Circuit 1!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Super Hero Capes

Let's see, I planned on making these capes for Christmas but I ran out of time and energy. Just like, I never got around to ordering our 2011 Christmas ornaments. I finished Leah's cape first and I realized I had enough material left over to make her best friend a matching cape. The girls are more than best friends, they like to call themselves "Pretend Sisters"! The are girls are so cute with their matching capes! Plus, I managed to make one cape for Logan. After the third cape, I was exhausted so I told Landon he will have to wait until tomorrow. It's never a good idea to sew while tired. I always end up making mistakes...I want to get it right on the first try. It feels so good to have another item off my to-do list. I'm really feeling the pressure to get all of my unfinished projected completed NOW! I still have a couple of months but I might be too miserable at the end and I don't want to risk it not finishing these projects. Oh, I just love these girls!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ten on Sunday

Lots of good things happened this week, once again my camera is acting up and I can't seem to upload any pictures at the moment. Hopefully, I will be able to get it work out and I will come back and post a slide show of all the pictures from Christmas break up until this week.

1. I finally finished last night, our family yearbook for the year of 2011. I spent all week long on working hard on it. For this year, I will plan better to be a little bit smarter. If you work on each month as you go along the year than it's super easy to print and publish. So, by the end of this month I will work on Month Jan 2012. Putting things off to the last minute isn't always the best way to go about doing things. I'm also planning on this week, to make two mini books for each of the boys that will be a review for each of their lives. I wish, I would of done this years ago. I'm feel'n alot better at the moment. I'm getting more of energy and strength back. So, no more excuses for not completing projects. Once the new baby comes, I'm not sure if I will be able to get anything done. So, the pressure is on to get everything done and completed by June.

2. Each week that passes by this pregnancy I'm feel'n more like my old self. I managed to get on the treadmill twice this week and run three miles each time in under 40 minutes. My running group is doing a new thing on Saturdays. We're meeting up at the track, doing a combination of workout and speed training. My legs are feel'n soooooooo much stronger. I really could tell a big difference in my workouts. I'm really bummed that the Bentonville Half Marathon is coming up and I will not be doing it. I'm going to be close to 30 weeks and I'm thinking it wouldn't be too wise for me do it but I'm planning on running the 5k with my boys. I really want Logan to run in a 5k, Landon was already running 5k's at the age of six and Logan is already seven and he hasn't even completed one.

3. I finished sewing the Tropical Fish curtains for the boys room. I purchased these really cute fish stickers to put on the wall but they don't even stay on. What a joke, I followed the directions and they will not stay up on the walls. What a waste of money, don't bother with the wall stickers.

4. Landon's class had an award ceremony on Friday. Landon managed to make the AB Honor roll for third grade. Landon is normally a straight A student but last semester he received a B in literacy. He was really upset about it but hopefully, he will work harder and get his grade back up. So, that's how he ended up in the AB honor roll and not the A honor roll.

5. Logan did great this semester. He ended up receiving all A's on his report card.

6. Also, I finally finished another project this week. I finally got a curtain rod up in the kitchen. I purchased red sheer curtains because I didn't want to darker the kitchen but I still wanted to add some privacy. So, it only took me close to nine years but it's done! Leroy's really annoyed with me but I told him to expect a honey to do list every Sat until the baby comes. I need him to get busy and get these projects done now! I guess you could say I'm already nesting.

7. I'm almost 18 weeks which is really hard to believe because we get to find out what we're having in two weeks. I can't wait to find out, I seriously have no idea what we are having but I'm leaning towards boy not girl.

8. I did managed to clean out both of the boys and Leah's room but the kids just managed to this morning to trashed the living room. It's a never ending battle.

9. I'm teaching sunbeams this afternoon as a sub. This should be interesting, I have a feel'n I'm going to be wiped out by the end of church.

10. Bubba's BBQ is hands down the best bbq in the area. The coleslaw and baked beans were super yummy plus all of the bbq meat was super tender and juicy. It's going to be our new place to grad a quick dinner. Plus, the prices were super reasonable. This is the first place in months that actually has impressed me.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ten on Sunday

Sorry, I have been super duper busy with the holidays and the kids plus the weather outside has been super nice. I haven't felt like writing up a post in a couple of weeks. Some times, I view my blog as a chore not as a great way to express myself or journal. I decided this morning that I would get busy and write up my weekly ten before things get really crazy with the kids.

Recap of Winter Break

1. The first day of break, it was cold outside so we hit the library in Rogers for story time and checking out books. A nice lady came up to me and said "Is it your first day of break, as well?" Yes, how could she tell...the stressed out mom look with three kids fighting at the library must of been the dead give away. We managed to check out close to 100 books. Three different kids on three different reading levels...which results in lots of books. Thankgoodness, the Rogers library has no limit on books.

2. The second day of break, the house was a wreck...I know it's only the second day but it's the holidays and things can get out of hand fast. I told the kids if they cleaned the whole entire house that I would take them to see a new movie. The kids worked hard on the house for several hours and we made it to the afternoon showing of Chipwrecked. Skip the movie theater on this one and just red box it. The kids had a blast but I wasn't too impressed.

3. The third day of break, it was Christmas Eve. We spent the evening, driving around and checking out Xmas lights. After driving around, we came back to the house for some hot chocolate and we read about the birth of the Savior to the kids from the bible. We tucked in the kids and we got busy getting ready for Christmas morning. We had friends drop off a plate of yummy cookies. After Leroy managed to put Leah's bike together. We received an urgent phone call and Leroy left to his parents house right away. Sadly, Uncle Lawrence passed awayed unexpectedly. He will be missed by all.

4. The fourth day of break, Christmas morning. We didn't tell the kids about uncle Lawrence passing away until the next day. It turned out to be a day of mixed emotions. We were sad about the situation but we tried to keep the holiday spirit up for the kids. We managed to still have a nice Christmas with the kids. The boys were upset that Leah managed to get more toys than them but what the boys don't understand is their toys cost more money than Leah's toys. We spent about the same amount of money but it didn't the same amount of gift.

5. The fifth day of break, daddy had another day off from work. We just stayed home and played with all of the kids new toys.

6. The sixth day of break, my friend invited us to join them to Chuck E Cheese for the day. It was so cold outside and it was a good option to get the kids out of the house. We managed to stay for over three hours. The kids tokens ran out really fast but somehow the kids managed to keep themselves busy. The kids figured out if you stay long enough you can follow Chuckie around and pick up tickets. The kids managed to get close to 500 tickets each.

7. The seventh day of break, it started to warm up really nicely outside. We loaded up all of the bikes, we went for a bike ride around Lake Bella Vista with Veronica again! After the bike ride, we spent the rest of the afternoon at the park. A nice lazy day outside in the sunshine!

8. The eighth day of break, I decided to take the kids to the Tulsa Zoo! I called Veronica and we invited them to come but she didn't have the money to go with all of the kids. I offered to take Hayley with us, she called back and said to come and get her! It worked out really nice having two boys and two girls. The weather was super nice outside and we had so much fun at the zoo. I was so Glad, we decided to go at the last minute. It's the prefect zoo; not to big and not to small. Just the right mix, the kids loved the play area the best! Skip the train ride, it wasn't worth it.

9. The ninth day of break, we spent the morning at home. Sadly, this was the day of the funeral. It was really nice memorial serve and his uncle received full military honors. The relief society president brought over a really nice dinner plus dessert. It was nice to have him finally situation and Leroy told some really nice stories about his uncle at the funeral.

10. The tenth day of break, we spent a crazy morning attending a baptism, stopping at RC Extreme shop, and hiking at Devil's Den. Once, again super nice weather outside. The neighbor kid down the street broke Logan's RC car so Leroy decided to go ahead and purchase him a new one. So, after we picked up the car. We headed down to Devil's Den. I love FREE entertainment. Devil's Den has a super nice playground area plus tons of hiking trails. We literally spent like five hours at the park just playing around and having fun. We packed a ton of food and just enjoyed ourselves. Logan was upset we didn't bring the camper and stay overnight.

11. The eleventh day of break, it turned cold outside again. It was Sunday, we didn't do to much. The kids have all new teachers and Leroy is teaching the five year old's turning six this year. No, he isn't teaching Leah's class but another group of kids.

12. The twelfth day of break, we didn't do too much. The weather wasn't as nice as before and I had to run errands and the others went back to the hobby shop. Nothing really happened but I was more than ready to get the kids back to school.