Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, bakers man,
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Pat it and prick it, And mark it with B.
Put it in the oven, For baby and me.
We are busy working on learning all about the letter "B". I have discovered with Logan everything needs to be hands on for him to get it. We are slowly working on learning a new letter each week. He knows the name of this letter and the sound. Whether he will retain it. I'm not sure.
I decided it would be fun to make pretzels out of shape of "B" and "C". We are about to move forward with the next letter.
I ended up trying a new recipe that I found on, click here! These pretzel taste just like the ones at the mall. I wasn't sure if they would taste that good but they did. Seriously, so soft and chewy. Don't skip the part about boiling them in baking soda and water. Yummy!
Also, Logan can sing the nursey rhyme Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. I'm going to work with him and see if he can recite it instead of singing it.
Hey Lara, thought of an idea for Logan....not sure if he'll like it..but it might be worth a try. Basically play hide and seek with the letters....HIde cut out letters he has learned or just the letter of the week around the house, he "hunts" for them. When he finds them, he has to bring it to you, tell you the name and sound, if he's correct, he can earn a point, or a penny, or whatever. If he's wrong, it gets hidden again...just a thought. Did something similar when teaching colors to some of my students.
Okay, I will give it try.
I bet they loved them. I've been wanting to make pretzels, but haven't been sure of a recipe to try. I copied this one so I can make them.
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