
Friday, May 15, 2009


What's a mother to do? Logan came into the house and asked me to open up a bag of noodles. I told him "no" and off he went out the front door. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he wanted with noodles. Well, as soon as I step outside I discovered Logan's little science experiment. I could of killed him. He had my container of flour and rolled oats mixed in my hat box with water. The little guy was so proud of himself. He called it Gloop. I swear the little guy is going to grow up to be some sort of scientist or baker.
The little guy was so proud of the dough he made. Look at it!
Of course, little sister had to get her hands into it.

I was half tempted to throw it in the oven and see how it would taste!

Little sissy had to keep getting her hands into it. She kept trying to wipe her hands on me. No, thanks. She finally discovered it was best to wash up inside and not on me.


banananutmeg said...

I sent the girls outside with sponges and a bucket of water today to wash the pollen off their patio toys, and soon followed the giggles to soaking wet children and washed windows instead. At least they were having fun...I'm glad my mess was only water and not flour and oatmeal gloop! funny post! said...

When I saw your headline on my sidebar I got so excited, I thought it was for another recipe like "Flubber" until I opened the post. I don't think that I will make this one for the boys. How funny!!!!

Lara said...

Ya, I didn't make this one up at all. Logan came up with the name and all. I could of killed him but I decided it wasn't worth it. I just had him clean up the mess.