
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Biggest Loser!

Ya, I said it! I suck at trying to grow a garden. I came back home from my trip and just about all of my plants I was trying to grow from seed died! I still can't believe it. I'm so discourage at this moment. If I can't grow a plant from a seed than how can I grow anything in my garden. I guess I didn't inherit my dad's green thumb. Maybe I can just sign up from some sort of food share program. Oh, I'm not having a good evening. I'm so discourage:(


Schoen Family said...

Don't be discouraged! This snow storm I'm sure had a part in killing off your plants. You should try it again. I know you have it in you.

Erin said...

I think it is much harder to grown things inside from seed than outside in a garden. I seem to always kill house plants too but you should have seen the amazing garden we had outside. Buying starters from the store is just way easier than starting them from seed inside.

Sarah said...

Did you have someone watering them?? Small seedlings inside need watering almost daily if they are in the sun (where they should be). Leave them alone for a week and they will die or wilt (wilting would be cured with a good watering)
Keep trying!!

Lara said...

No one watered the seedlings! I'm going to give up on the seeds and just buy the starter plants. My neighbor seedlings died as well. I can't figure it out. Okay, I'm feeling better about the whole situation. I'm going to try to go to Lowe's and try to start making my gardening continars.

banananutmeg said...

MINE ARE DYING TOO! I think they aren't getting enough light. ALSO, they grew so much so fast, but it isn't time to move them outside is seriously NOT worth it to transplant them into bigger containers. I started putting them under the range light at night, so see if the additional heat/light will help and they are still alive, just so big they are falling over and snapping. It needs to warm up FAST so i can get them outside!

Equally frustrated. It's been a REALLY fun experiment for my kids, but took so much more effort that I'm not sure if I'll do it again.

Oh, the self watering planter mini class is going to be april 9th. I'm not sure if it's the same night as your knitting group, but if not, come make planters with us!

Lara said...

I'm not doing the knitting group this month. Verda's going to be out of town. Can't wait for the class!