
Friday, April 10, 2009

ChaLEAN Extreme-90 day program!!!!!!!!!!

I'm currently working out to Jillian's 30 Day Shred and all ready seeing results only after working out for less than a week. I already lost one inche off my chest and one inche off my hips. I'm going to complete the 30 day program. Then, I"m going to start my brand new program called ChaLean Extreme. It's a 90 day program and the results are suppose to be amazing. I'm really close to reaching my goal. I only have about 7 more weeks before my deadline. I want to loss ten more pounds before my birthday! My biggest problem at the moment is eating too many calories. I'm also going to start my two day fast once I get my package in the mail. Hopefully, I will get able to get rid of a couple of pounds that way! Hopefully, the shakes are that bad tasting. I'm going to run to the library and pick up Body For Life book and try to follow that diet again. I did it before my trip to TN. I lost 5 lbs in one week but I gained most of it back while on my trip. I know for a fact I'm building a ton of muscle. Leroy said last night I'm almost back to my old body. So, I'm going to need to push myself in order to reach my goal. I want to look good in a swim suit. I'm not going to stress about weight but more on losing the inches. The scale can be your enemy.

Here's my stats:

Starting Weight: 149
Current Weight: 140
Weight Goal: 130

Chest: 35"
Waist: 30"
Hips: 36"
Thighs: 19"
arms: 11"
Butt 37"


Gidget Girl Reading said...

i've heard great things about the 30 day shred!

Amberella said...

Today was Day 5 for me on the 30 Day Shred. I havent really lost weight but I do feel better already and level one is getting a bit easier so it seems to be working! Let me know how hard how level 2 is. I am afraid to even skip ahead and see it!

Amy Schoen said...

That's awesome that you have already lost 9 pounds. I know you can do it! Keep up with the program and you will be there in no time

Lara said...

yep, I just found out I'm no longer consider overweight! Based upon your current Body Mass Index (BMI) of 24.8, you are currently classed as at a healthy weight.

ChaLEAN Extreme said...

ChaLEAN Extreme works great like its promised ! And all it takes is 90 days to make your body sexier and healthier !